






Cracked Tree






Early in the morning I surveyed the damage. There was, of course, branches and twigs everywhere. 

Listening to the news we found out we made the right decision staying here instead of going to East Texas. 

My family reports from East Texas that many trees are down, there is no gas and power is going to be out for two weeks. 

Continuing to survey the damage, I find a large tree which has a huge crack in it, large enough to see through! The tree creaked every time the wind blew and would have fallen on our house. If winds had been any higher the tree would have hit the house. 

The tree was being held up by a small tree and branches of another leaning tree. Unsure of what to do, we call my brother, Cory. If we hadn't been able to get hold of him, I don't know what we would have done. What can three women do with a job like that?

Cory and his Father-in-law came over to help with tearing down the tree. It was a full days work, but it was done and we can now breathe a bit easier. At the end of the work we were treated to a solar halo.

We were blessed not to take a direct hit from this storm. Still things are far from normal. 

The night of 9/25/05 I drive around the neighborhood searching for gas and finally find a station that has some! I called my mom and sis and we all filled up while we could. Many places still don't have gas. 

Mom goes to a convenient store to find some ice. Major grocery stores don't even have ice. Schools are out until Wednesday. This is to give teachers, like myself, time to fix the classrooms back up. We had to lift everything off of the floors and tear down the computers before we left last Wednesday. Many should already be back in town, but with gas being scarce, I'm not sure about that. 


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