Easter Weekend
I was on a Wild Flower trip in
Fredericksburg, Texas with Mom, Carrie and Pat. I knew there was a slight
chance of storms, which was just fine by me! I tried not to hope too much.
The day was hot and clear until right at sunset when I noticed a cell to
the North. Carrie was with me and we watched it a bit.
Back at the hotel there was a report of golfball
sized hail and tornado. MAN!!! I missed it! I did manage to get one
snapshot on digi cam. |
The next day we headed home.
Mom, Carrie and Pat shopped at WildSeed Farms while I tried to find
something to keep me from being bored. Yep, you guessed it:) A nice little
storm came up giving us some pea-sized hail! Whoo hoo!!! |