My journey into the Smoky Mountains I didn't know what I would find. I have seen many mountains in the Colorado, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. These mountains were different, covered in lush green foliage and clouds. My family had gotten a late start and decided to make our first stop for a picnic. Pulling into Chimney Tops Picnic area we quickly found that a 'river runs through it'! hehehe.... We had a most wonderful picnic and enjoyed the wondrous views. It was awesome to be beside that river and feel the power of it. The roar seemed to seep right to the heart. I loved that spot. I took many photographs in this area. As we traveled through the park it began to rain quite heavily. So photographs were limited during most of the trip. We went to Clingmans Dome road. This is a 7 mile road that leads to Clingmans Dome, which is the highest point in all of Tennessee. From the parking lot one can climb a steep walk to a point 332 feet above the parking lot. From there a 45 foot observation tower gives an excellent view. As we walked up the walkway we noticed that we were going above the clouds. Once in the observation tower we found blue skies and clouds below us...it was a heavenly view. As we walked down we were treated to walking through clouds. They felt different than fog...hard to explain. We got back to the bottom and found clouds had completely moved in and it began to sprinkle again. Further down the road we went to Mingus Mill. This is a short walk from the parking area and well worth a look. The Mill is used from Spring to Fall to grind corn. Visitors are welcome to go in and look around.
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