Live, Love, Laugh


Me...hmm, how does one describe oneself. Not an easy task. Some would list accomplishments in school.  To me accomplishments are advances in ones character. I feel that my travels have changed my character to a more adventurous soul, willing to go to new places and experience new things. 

However, this still does not describe me. A true definition of oneself is those who are around them...friends and family.  All of them have taught me kindness, love, forgiveness, and loyalty. 

Of course I have my dreams...doesn't everyone! You can see my Dreams and Wishes here. I am a teacher, web designer, photographer, storm chaser, amateur astronomer, artist, traveler, writer, poet and love Bass fishing.

I feel that life is experienced when one is out and about. One can not experience the world while sitting in front of the television. I watch few shows on TV. preferring to do something else with my time.

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When traveling I am more interested in the local national and state parks rather than the malls and shopping. I would rather spend my evening watching the sunset behind a set of trees with silence and peace around me, than to watch the sunset behind a bunch of buildings only to be followed by streetlights than the ever glorious stars.

I have been to all the show caves in Texas and New Mexico. I love caves as they are challenging to photograph and are geologically fascinating. 

I have been overseas to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. Loved those accents!

Well, I'm sure you have other things to do than read through any more about me...that is if you have made it this far. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Until then Stars and Storms...    


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